September & October St. Andrew's KIDS Dream Team

Thank you for filling out the Dream Team Form. I will be in touch soon!
We LOVE our St. Andrew's KIDS Dream Team! To be a part of this amazing opportunity of serving our next generation of believers, you just need to have a willing and loving heart for kids. A few FAQ's for you to understand the impact of this ministry and how you can be a part. 

What if I have never done this before?
We will send a training video to our Dream Team volunteers to help you understand the in's and out's of Children's Ministries, what a Sunday morning looks like, and help you become familiar with our policies in keeping all of our kids safe and happy. 
What if I am not a trained teacher?
*You are with staff at all times during your serving time and are never "alone" to fend for yourself. 
*Lesson plans are always sent ahead of time so you can be familiar with the material being covered on Sunday morning. 
What if I need to make an adjustment or change my serving time or date?
We know that things come up. Our Dream Team is bragged about quite often for being the MOST dependable group. If something comes up and you need to change your date or time of serving, we just ask that you let us know ASAP. 
Why should I consider being a part of the KIDS Dream Team? I do a lot of volunteering already.
This is an opportunity to be a part of something with an eternal impact. In a world that falls further and further away from the Truth, we want our kids to know that God made them, He has a purpose for them, and He sent Jesus so that we can be with Him forever. This is more important than anything else. You can volunteer in a lot of places....but Children's Ministry is the MOST crucial in reaching this generation for Jesus! 
What should I bring? 
Yourself! We will send the lesson in an email so you are familiar with it before Sunday. When you arrive on Sunday, we will have printed lessons, all materials and everything else you might need during the morning. 
What about dads?
Yes! We would love to have adults who have a heart to serve this next generation to be a part of St. Andrew's KIDS Dream Team!

**Just so you are aware, all adults serving will have had a Background Check before being able to serve in Children's Ministries. 
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


Thank you for filling out the Dream Team Form. I will be in touch soon!